Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lesson 2 -- get to know team, break down the project

get to know team -- get to know what they are good at, how good at it, their ways (habits) of doing things (maybe better habits than I have, and I shall learn from them)

break down the project -- since most of the time tasks are not meant to be cracked solo -- because I am not genius.

schedule the work, do what you say -- in a software engineering project like this, it will be horrible that things do not get done ( since some people's work cant start without other people's work DONE).

figure out all the features, prioritize them -- even if you cant show the whole in the end, but you get the majority (and the most important ones) done at least. For example, when developing a game, the developers should try to get a very light-weight version done first, so that the artists can have better understanding what they are going to design the avatars, cursors, maps.... So things are prioritized, dont start with mother-of-all-designs.

These are what I learnt yesterday, hopefully can come up with some more, but I got to rush to class now. :p

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