Thursday, February 18, 2010

random thoughts

This is an entry about random stuff, actually no so random -- it's about cs3216

An agreement, a disagreement.

3216 is not so about programming -- Prof Ben

I would say it is wrong. Without practiced web programmers, how the hell can make it a full-of-feature app?

3216 is about making a difference -- same person :p

Yes, I agree. I mean, I understand this deeper now. This morning an idea was brought to me again ( In the years of middle school, I was driven by it to screw all my teachers, but somehow I lost it here in NUS) -- who the hell will bother what are your secondary school grades now that all of you are now in NUS??? Similarly, who the hell will bother whether you have 1st class or 2nd upper if you eventually made a (big) difference?

Life is about making a difference -- whether it is on yourself or the rest of the world. Making a difference, I perceived this phrase as something to do with subtraction first time I saw it. :p

It is about creativity, (positive) impact.

Life is not about other things, the highest level of living your life is leaving some "differences" before you die.

Simple as that.

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