Thursday, February 18, 2010

What I hope to learn in CS3216

Frankly speaking, I had no idea whether I will be approved to join the class since I "screw up" my 1101S final. But I do want to join the class since this is a cross-faculty module and I will be able to work with non-computing people. This is a good chance to experience *real* working life. I convinced myself again after I read from the 3216-info.pdf that we will work with different people in different assignments. -- I hope to gain real-life experience to work with people more effectively and efficiently in the future.

I know 3216 is a very intensive course. Prof Ben said we can get 3 A's elsewhere with the effort put in 3216 to get an A. But I won't regret. Joining uni is not all about CAP, but more importantly learning some stuff, including all those programming stuff , working with peers, scheduling the project, managing people... These are things that will benefit myself even if I do not leave uni as a programmer. I think this matters, and this is the truth of uni education -- most of the things ( programming stuff ) learnt at school are pretty useless. So I come to improve my social skills.

Um... seems I haven't talked about learning CS stuff at all. Computing/ programming stuff I can learn outside 3216, I would say. Learning PHP/mySQL/... is not my major aim -- I think I get the basics , if not the core idea, of all those through the training assignment.

"Bricks wall are there to let you prove how hard you want it." 3216 is intense; 3216 is full of treasure, so prove yourself that you want it.

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